To enable immediate visual validation of the user interface, Storyboard Designer includes a built-in simulator. This simulator uses the same runtime engine that runs on your target but is configured to execute in the desktop environment. The simulator uses the same export process that you would use for an embedded environment but automatically incorporates a launch stage to make it fast to implement structure, bind actions, and check the behavior in a rapid development cycle.
Export to Android and iOS platforms using the an export wizard that creates a package that's ready to run on your mobile platforms. Exporting an application to a touch-enabled mobile device provides a simple, yet effective, method of experimenting with user groups on different design scenarios without having to deal with the instability (or incompleteness) of an early embedded target hardware configuration.
For deep embedded systems where a filesystem may not be available to host the assets from the application, the export process involves creating a C/C++ header file. This header file is included in your BSP or system image and compiled using the same toolchain you use to build all of the non-user interface elements of your product.