
The polygon render extension draws a filled (convex) polygon to the screen. This extension is only available when the polygon plugin has been loaded. The Trend Sample demonstrates how to use a polygon with dynamic point generation to render a trend graph.

The polygon render extension uses many standard options but also includes:


a list of points for the polygon (string). The list of points are x,y values that are space separated, for example: 10,20 5,5 0,0.


The style of polygon to render (string). The style corresponds to one of the following values:

Dash ("dash")Draw a dashed line using Fill (color) and Dash Pattern attributes
Fill ("fill")Draw a filled polygon using Fill (color) attribute
Fill & Stroke ("filloutline")Draw a filled polygon using Fill (color) attribute, then outlined with Outline (color) attribute
Line ("line")Draw a line using Fill (color) attribute
Loop ("loop")Draw a line (with connected ends) using Fill (color) attribute

Line Width ("linewidth")

Changes width of the outline (stroke) drawn (number)

Dash Pattern ("dash")

Defines the dash size and the space size between each dash, only used with "dash" style (string). For example a long line short space might look likt "10 5 10 5"

Anti-alias ("antialias")

Indicates if the polygon line drawn should be anti-aliased (1) or not (0). Single width outlined polygons are not anti-aliased on OpenGL ES 2.0 platforms. The multisample option for the OpenGL ES 2.0 Storyboard runtime controls polygon anti-aliasing.

Fill ("color")

The color used to fill the polygon.

Outline ("outlinecolor")

The color used to outline (stroke) a filled polygon i.e. if the style is Fill & Stroke