Chapter 17. Release Notes 1.1

Table of Contents

Storyboard Designer
Major Changes
Linux Host Storyboard Designer
Storyboard Project Merge
Lua Editor Improvements
Lua Debugger (Beta)
Minor Changes
Hot key support
Automatic addition of timer and animation complete events
Action and Variable view sorting and filtering
Animation wizard
Polygon Render Extension
Known Issues
Storyboard Engine
Major Changes
WinCE 6.0 Support for ARMLE
Linux DirectFB Support
Linux OpenVG Support (Beagleboard)
SH4 Support for Linux and QNX6
PPC Support for QNX6
Polygon Render Extension
Minor Changes / dll
Version information
Deployment Bundle (*.gapp) changes
Lua function to calculate string width
Lua function to globally set layer attributes
Lua events
Access control width and height
Move control Z-order
Arbitrary rotation
Screen manager option for available hardware layers
Software cursor support
Layer can now contain variable
Alpha blending for fbdev
Motion events moved to higher verbosity level
Storyboard IO support for Win32
Storyboard IO Channel name option
Load scaled images
Known Issues
Minor Changes
License Information


Welcome to the 1.1 release of Crank Software's Storyboard Suite. We are very proud of this release as it continues to add features, improve performance and make life easier for those developing user interfaces for embedded systems. The main focus of this release is to grow the Runtime platform support for our Storyboard Engine, however this doesn't mean that Storyboard Designer hasn't seen it's own improvements. As you read through these release notes you'll find a great balance of new features, improved functionality and greater support for more embedded targets and development platforms.