#include <gre/gre.h> int gr_application_get_data( gr_application_t *app, const char *key, gr_str_t *orig_fmt, const char *fmt, gr_data_union_t *data );
The gr_application_get_data
function provides an interface to get Storyboard data
variables associated with a key, and their formats.
app A pointer to an application handle created using gr_application_create_args
key The data key variable to get
orig_fmt Location to store a string reference to requested data key's format. Can be NULL.
If returned, it is up to the client to un-reference if they choose (gr_str_free)
fmt The format describing the format you want the data in: 1s0 (string) | 4u1 (uint32_t) | 4s1 (int32_t) ... Can be NULL (data key format used)
data Location to store the returned data, this is a copy of the requested data
Zero on success, -1 on failure.
The gr_application_get_data
function is a method of retrieving the data values and formats for any keys associated
Storyboard engine variables.