Appendix C. Storyboard Engine and Plugin Options

Table of Contents

Storyboard Engine Manager Options
Plugins and Plugin Options

Storyboard Engine Manager Options

Table C.1. Action Manager Options


Table C.2. Data Manager Options


Table C.3. IO Manager Options

-oio_mgr,queue_size=4096This will limit the event queue size to a maximum of 4K. If the queue exceeds this size, events will be dropped and diagnostic messages will be logged regarding the dropped events. The default behavior is to have an unlimited event queue size.

Table C.4. Model Manager Options

-omodel_mgr,plugin_path=/tempSets the plugin path to the specified directory (/temp in this example). This setting overrides the SB_PLUGINS environment variable setting.
-omodel_mgr,fps=25Limits the frame rate for all animations to a maximum fps specified (25 in this example).
-omodel_mgr,mem_stats=1On platforms where process/task memory usage or heap allocator memory usage values are available, report them as performance log metrics. The value should be set to 1 to enable the statistics, future values are reserved.

Table C.5. Render Manager Options: Windows, win32, OpenGL ES 2.0, x86

-orender_mgr,x=[xpos]This will position the application at the defined x-position
-orender_mgr,y=[ypos]This will position the application at the defined y-position
-orender_mgr,sysdpiThis will enable the window upscaling performed by Windows according to the system DPI setting

Table C.6. Render Manager Options: Linux, sdl, x86

-orender_mgr,quality=[0|1|2]Quality of image rotation. The default, 0 is fastest but lowest quality rendering. A setting of 2 is highest quality but slowest performing.

Table C.7. Render Manager Options: Linux, fbdev, x86, armle

-orender_mgr,dblbufferEnable double buffering (fullscreen redraws)
-orender_mgr,fb=[device path]The path to the framebuffer device to use (default=/dev/fb0)
-orender_mgr,fullscreenRun in fullscreen mode
-orender_mgr,quality=[0|1|2]Quality of image rotation. The default, 0 is fastest but lowest quality rendering. A setting of 2 is highest quality but slowest performing.

Table C.8. Render Manager Options: Linux, directfb, x86, armle

-orender_mgr,dumpconfig Dump the layer and graphics configuration information at startup
-orender_mgr,doubleEnable double buffering (fullscreen redraws)
-orender_mgr,layer=[index]Set the directfb layer index that content will render to (default=0)
-orender_mgr,quality=[0|1|2]Quality of image rotation. The default, 0 is fastest but lowest quality rendering. A setting of 2 is highest quality but slowest performing.

Table C.9. Render Manager Options: Linux, Windows CE, Windows Compact 7, Mac OSX, Neutrino 6.5, OpenGL ES 2.0, armle (Beagleboard)

-orender_mgr,quality=[0|1|2] Set the rendering quality including shade model and texture filter, and image rotation quality. A value of 0=nearest/flat, 1=linear/flat, 2=nearest/smooth (default=linear/flat). For image rotation, lower numbers mean faster algorithms, but better quality
-orender_mgr,fullscreenRun in fullscreen mode
-orender_mgr,multisample=[value] Indicates the degree of multisampling which affects the visual smoothness of edges. For example, a value of 4 would be 4x multisampling while 0 would be no multisampling. By default, this value is set dynamically based on the model content that is being interpreted in order to provide the best balance between high performance and high quality rendering. If your model contains 3D models, polygons or circles then multi-sampling is turned on to a level of 4, otherwise it is off. The command line option setting will override the default probing and ensure a fixed value.
-orender_mgr,vbo Enables the use of vertex buffer objects
-orender_mgr,scale=[aspect] Scale the application to the physical display size. If aspect is passed the application will retain the proper aspect ratio when scaled.
-orender_mgr,backbuffer Render the scene using a damage rectangle. On some OpenGL ES implementations this will give better performance but will use more memory as it has to allocate a separate display buffer.
-orender_mgr,npot Disable power-of-two texture allocations. By default the OpenGL ES API is queried to check for NPOT texture support. This option can be used to override this behavior and force support. NPOT textures will use less memory for image data.
-orender_mgr,fontsize=[size] Specify the size of the font texture sheet. Fonts are generated into sheets and the default size is 512x512. The number of glyphs put into the sheet is a function of the point size and the texture size. This option can be used to tune the number of available glyphs and the memory usage.
-orender_mgr,window_w=[w] Scale the application content and window to the specified width. This option is only valid on desktop systems which use a window manager (MACOS and Windows). This option must be used along with 'window_h'
-orender_mgr,window_h=[h] Scale the application content and window to the specified height. This option is only valid on desktop systems which use a window manager (MACOS and Windows). This option must be used along with 'window_w'
-orender_mgr,linejoin=[0|1] Set line join style for path drawing, drawing joins can have a performance impact on frame rate. 0=none, 1=round (default=1)
-orender_mgr,clipmode=[stencil|scissor] Set the clipping mode to use, may have performance impacts. Each implementation defaults to the best performance.
-orender_mgr,error_event An error event is generated for OpenGL render errors. Image and font errors will identify the image and font related to the error.
-orender_mgr,display=[index] Connect to the given display index, this option is only available for the QNX Screen OpenGL ES 2.0 render manager or the Linux i.MX6 OpenGL ES 2.0 render manager where the value is the selected framebuffer index.
-orender_mgr,fb=[x]This option pertains specifically to iMX6 hardware platforms. Starting at 0, x defines the framebuffer number to render to.
-orender_mgr,x=[xpos] When using the QNX Screen engine this will position the application at the defined x-position
-orender_mgr,y=[ypos] When using the QNX Screen engine this will position the application at the defined y-position.
-orender_mgr,rotated=[90|180|270] Rotate the application by the defined angle.
-orender_mgr,zorder=[z] When using the QNX Screen engine this will position the application window at the defined Z index.
-orender_mgr,clearcolor=[color] Specify the clear color to be used for the Window Surface. The color format is ARGB and specified in hexadecimal. The default clear color is 0x00000000. This option can be used for debugging purposes.
-orender_mgr,block_size=[-1|0|>0]Specify how block size should be determined for growing the image atlas. For -1, a degenerate block size will be used, forcing block size to that of a single image. For 0, the block size is rounded up to the nearest power of two for an image's dimensions. For any value greater than zero, block allocations will be rounded up to the size specified. (default=1024)
-orender_mgr,surface_cache=[-1(default)|0|>0]Specify the surface cache control. For -1, the surface cache will grow unbounded (default). For 0, the surface cache will be disabled. For any value greater than zero, it will be used as the upper limit on the number of surfaces in the surface cache.

Table C.10. Render Manager Options: QNX Neutrino 6.5, Linux, Fujitsu Jade, armle

-orender_mgr,mainlayer=[number] The main layer to use for rendering, defaults to layer 0
-orender_mgr,display=[number] The display to connect to, defaults to display 0
-orender_mgr,conf_file=[path] A path to a LCD configuration file which includes the display settings

Table C.11. Render Manager Options: WinCE 6.0, Windows Compact 7, win32, armle

-orender_mgr,quality=[0|1|2] Quality of image rotation. 0 is fastest but lowest quality. 2 highest and slowest
-orender_mgr,fullscreen Removes the window border and fills the display outside of the application area
-orender_mgr,dumpcaps Print the device capabilities and acceleration flags
-orender_mgr,nohwcursorDisables the HW cursor

Table C.12. Resource Manager Options

-oresource_mgr,image=4This will set the image cache limit to 4K for example (the texture memory on GPU based systems is related to the image cache limit as well)
-oresource_mgr,font=4This will set the font cache limit to 4K for example
-oresource_mgr,error=0Send or skip resource manager error events, default is 1 (send)

Table C.13. Screen Manager Options

-oscreen_mgr,swcursorEnables the rendering of a software cursor
-oscreen_mgr,redraw_completeGenerate a completed event for every screen update
-oscreen_mgr,dl=1Disable the use of a particular hardware layer
-oscreen_mgr,fpsDisplay the frames per second of the display update, requires level 4 verbosity (-vvvv)
-oscreen_mgr,overlayAllow the application to be run as an overlay and show the content below. This only functions on particular render managers and if the application has a transparent background.