Exporting and Running on your Embedded Target

Table of Contents

Export Workflow
Selecting Files For Export
Deployment Bundle Packages
Storyboard Embedded Engine (GAPP)
Storyboard Compressed Package (SBP)
Native Android Application (APK)
Native iOS Application
Windows Standalone Launcher (EXE)
Storyboard Embedded Resource Header (C/C++)
Export Transfer Methods
SCP Transfer
Exporting from the Command Line
Exporting from the Command Line using Export Configuration
Setting up Storyboard Engine
Font Environment Variable
Running Storyboard Engine
Target Specific Configurations
Linux x86, armle
Microsoft WinCE, Compact7 win32, armle
Yocto Jethro Linux kernel (3.14) OpenGL, FBDEV, armle

A Storyboard application can be exported in several different ways. The output of the export process is what is considered a Storyboard Deployment Bundle. Depending on the bundle packaging these can be ran by sbengine, installed on an iOS/Android based mobile platform, executed on Windows as a normal application, or used by the user to compile into their RTOS application.

In the past deployment exports were done through a few different export wizards, but as of Storyboard Suite 5.0 these have been consolidated into a single export configuration system. This export system allows the user to create, save, and share their application export parameters. These configurations can be customized through the Storyboard Application Export Configuration dialog.