
Scroll the content of one or more tables.


Only one table scroll animation can be run at a time. Storyboard Engine will cancel the currently running table scroll animation by snapping to the end of the animation and then it will trigger the new table scroll animation.

The action arguments are:


The name of the table control to scroll. May be a comma separated list if multiple tables are specified.


The absolute 1 based row to start the scroll from. The default, 0, indicates that scrolling should start from the current row


The absolute 1 based column to start the scroll from. The default, 0, indicates that scrolling should start from the current column


The number of rows to move. A positive value moves the table down a negative value moves the table up


The number of columns to move. A positive value moves the table right a negative value moves the table left


The frames per second rate at which to scroll the table.


The duration in milliseconds to run the scroll over.