Gesture Support

Storyboard gesture support is provided by the libgre-plugin-gesture plugin. The gesture plugin options are described in detail in the Storyboard plugin option appendix of this document.

The gesture plugin interprets the inbounds press, release and motion events and based on those observed events will generate custom gesture events. Gestures are only emitted once a release occurs and a pattern has been matched.

Gestures are made up of a series of numbers. The numbers represent the direction that the cursor was traveling as a grid arranged from one (1) to eight (8) ordered clockwise:

  1. Up

  2. Up and to the right

  3. Right

  4. Down and to the right

  5. Down

  6. Down and to the left

  7. Left

  8. Up and to the left

By default the gesture plugin registers some default gestures


Other gestures can be created by registering them in a custom gesture definition file that is loaded by the gesture plugin.

The gesture definition file is a comma separated value text file that contains a field for the name of the event followed by the numeric gesture sequence string that needs to be matched to generate the event. For example, to define a Z gesture, you could put the following in the a gesture-definition.txt file:


This definition indicates when the gesture plugin detects a right, down and left, left motion sequence that it should generate a gre.gesture.zee event.

You can point the gesture plugin at the custom gesture definition file by running Storyboard Engine with the option -ogesture,file=filename , where filename is the name of the project relative file, for example gesture-definition.txt.

Gesture sequences are currently limited to 30 movements after which a warning will be generated and the gesture entry will be ignored.