Storyboard Designer


Resize Dialog

The resize dialog has been re organized from a visual perspective to make it less cluttered.

Designer Scroll bars

Scroll bars have returned to the main editor.

Lua Debugger

Resolved an issue where the Lua Debugger would present errors when using the csv.lua script.

Designer Default Memory

Designer's default memory has been increased from 512M to 1G to help performance when working with large images and 3D models.

Known Issues

Require Mac OS X 10.8 or greater

Storyboard Designer requires Mac OS X 10.8 or greater due to the requirement by the Java 8 runtime from Oracle.

Resource Cleanup tool

Images that are not referenced directly, but are pulled in at runtime based on a Lua script action, will not be identified as used by the Resource Cleanup wizard and may be removed accidentally.

3D Model's Axis

3D model's axis no longer shows up when in the direct editing mode.