Storyboard Engine

Storyboard Engine continues to move forward with the goal of providing our customers with a broad list of supported targets.


Asynchronous Lua scripts

The enablement for OS thread level locking has been added to the Storyboard Lua distribution.

Control Groups

Control Groups has been added to rid the situation of placing many render extensions in the same control. You now have the ability to group individual controls together.

Scrolling Layers

You now have the ability to scroll multiple controls on a layer with the same easy as table scrolling.

Layer Attributes

A layer's width and height can now be dynamically altered using gre.set_layer_attrs.

Circles and Arcs

Circles and arcs are now easier to create and manipulate in Storyboard.

QNX 6.6 Screen

Storyboard Embedded Engine has added support for QNX 6.6 screen.

Freetype Font Update

Our freetype font support has been updated to the latest version.

Green Hills Integrity

Storyboard now supports Green Hills Integrity Real-Time Operating System.

9-patch Image Support

9-patch support has been added to make scaling images on embedded applications easier.

Known Issues

Windows 8

Windows 8 will scale a Storyboard application to its resolution regardless of what the app was created to be displayed at. Setting the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" in the compatibility section for the Storyboard runtime will resolve the issue.

iOS 8.x

In order to export for iOS 8.x devices, users will need to have installed Xcode 6.1.1 and it's command line tools.