The polygon render extension draws a filled (convex) polygon to the screen. This extension is only available when the polygon plugin has been loaded.
style - The style of polygon to render (string)
fill: draw a filled polygon using color attribute
line: draw a line using color attribute
lineloop: draw a line (with connected ends) in the using color attribute
filloutline: draw a filled polygon using color attribute, then outlined with outlinecolor attribute
antialias - whether to antialias the polygon (number)
0: do not antialias
1: antialias
Single width outlined polygons are not anti-aliased on OpenGL ES 2.0 platforms. The multipass option for the OpenGL ES 2.0 Storyboard runtime controls polygon anti-aliasing.
points - a list of points for the polygon (string)
List of points separated by a space. Each point looks like: x:y
color - The color used to stroke the polygon. (color)
outlinecolor - The color used to outline a filled polygon if the style is filloutline, this is currently a 1 pixel outline. (color)
linewidth - Thickens with which to draw the outline