Storyboard IO Utilities

Included with Storyboard Suite are some command line utilities that can be usefull tools when working with and configuring Storyboard IO. These utilities provide a very thing layer on top of the Storyboard IO C API and can be used to verify that Storyboard IO is working properly on your platform.


The iogen utility is used to generate Storyboard IO events from the command line. The utility's command line arguments closely mirror the arguments that would be provided to the gre_io_open and gre_io_send Storyboard IO API functions. Running iogen without any parameters will show a usage message:

Usage ./iogen channel_name [event_target event_name size data [size data]...]
For example:
 Send a 'gre.quit' event to a client on channel 'sb'
  ./iogen sb no_target gre.quit
 Send a '' event (int button, subtype, x, y) @ 100,150 to a client on channel 'sb'
  ./iogen sb some_target 4u1 0 4u1 0 2u1 0 2u1 100 2u1 150 2u1 0 2u1 0 2u1 0
 Send a 'progress' event with a named field 'percent' of 50 on a channel 'sb'
  ./iogen sb no_target progress 4s1:percent 50 

The definition and format of standard Storyboard events such as and gre.release can be found in the Storyboard header file iodefs.h.


The iorvc utility is used to receive Storyboard IO events. This utility takes an input channel name as a command line parameter and prints the events it rese. Running iogen without any parameters provides a usage message:

Usage ./iorcv [-s] channel_name

By default, iorcv will loop around receiving messages until the program is terminated. By specifying -s you can cause iorcv to exit once it has received a single message.

When a message is received, a summary of the event contents is printed to the output:

% ./iorcv my_channel
Waiting on channel [my_channel]
Event Received [my_event_name] on channel [my_channel]:
 Event Target: [no_target]
 Event Format: []
 Event Data (0 bytes):

This would be the response to an event generated by iogen with the following arguments:

% ./iogen my_channel no_target my_event_name
Connecting to Storyboard IO channel [my_channel]