The multi-touch events mtXmove, mtXpinch and mtXrotate have been removed and replaced with mtmove, mtpinch and mtrotate events containing a data payload.
The Lua argument context no longer references context_target, that value has been replaced with a new variable active_context that is the FQN of the object that is invoking the Lua action.
The second argument to Lua callback functions was deprecated in Storyboard Engine 2.x and has now been removed entirely.
When using C/C++ resource exports, all Lua files would be loaded. Now only those files in the scripts directory itself are loaded.
Storyboard Engine command line option changes:
-orender_mgr,rotated=[90|180|270] changed to -orender_mgr,rotate=[90|180|270]
The display render manager option now compliments the fb option to help specifically identify which display index should be used.
Storyboard Engine linux-*-fbdev has been replaced by the generic linux-*-swrender
Storyboard Engine win32-x86-win32 has been replaced by win32-x86-swrender
When using an animated GIF, an unbounded resource manager image cache configuration must be used
Storyboard Designer no longer supports the import and conversion of Storyboard model files prior to version 4.x. These model files can be converted with any earlier version of Storyboard Designer ranging from 4.0 - 5.3. Contact for more assistance if required.