The follow is a list of common options across many render extensions
The x position of the render extension relative to the control (number, optional, default: 0)
The y position of the render extension relative to the controls (number, optional, default: 0)
The width of the render extension, if it is set to -1 then it will set to the size of the object being rendered (number, optional, default: width of object it is attached to)
The height of the render extension, if -1 then it will set to the size of the object being rendered (number, optional, default: height of object it is attached to)
The alpha or transparency value for this render extension (number, optional, 0-255, default: 255 (opaque))
The rotation for the item in degrees, (0-360) (number, optional, default: 0)
The vertical alignment within the control (number, optional, default: 0). This alignment value is a numeric value corresponding to the following:
0 | top (default) |
1 | top |
2 | center |
3 | bottom |
The horizontal alignment within the control (number, optional, default: 0). This alignment value is a numeric value corresponding to the following:
0 | left (default) |
1 | left |
2 | center |
3 | right |
A render extension can have a vertical and horizontal alignment. This alignment is based on the control area and the render extension position and size. The following describes the effects of these parameters on alignment.
Width and height set, position set to (0,0)
Width and height set, position set to (5,5). The position functions as an offset to the alignment