Set the line width in pixels that all subsequent stroke operations should use. The default value for line width is 1.
value An integer value greater than 1 indicating the pixel width.
-- Draw three colored outlines width different widths across the canvas function StrokeRGB(name) local canvas = gre.get_canvas(name) local size = canvas:get_dimensions() local rw = size.width / 3 canvas:set_line_width(5) canvas:stroke_rect(0, 0, rw-1, size.height, 0xff0000) canvas:set_line_width(3) canvas:stroke_rect(rw, 0, 2*rw-1, size.height, 0x00ff00) canvas:set_line_width(1) canvas:stroke_rect(2*rw, 0, 3*rw-1, size.height, 0x0000ff) end