Multi-Touch Gestures

Unlike the single touch gestures, which state which gesture you have just entered, the multi-touch gestures are events that fire whenever you have more than one finger on the touchscreen. The plugin tracks up to five contact points, if 6 or more are present they will simply be ignored by the plugin. The events the plugin listens to are, gre.release, and gre.motion to track the touchscreen info while only one finger is present and gre.mtpress, gre.mtrelease, and gre.mtmotion, to track the touchscreen info while multiple touches are present. Note when using a multi-touch enabled device single the press, release and motion events will be sent only while there is only one touch point present. As soon as there are multiple touch points present, all events will be mt events.

After listening to the events, if more than one touch point is present and one or more touch points move, the plugin will do an update where it compares the old touch locations to the updated touch locations and generates the related multi-touch gesture events. To determine how many fingers are currently being used to generate these events, there is an npoints field in the event data.